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The Icon Bar: News and features: Wakefield 2010 photos and tweets

Wakefield 2010 photos and tweets

Posted by Phil Mellor on 20:00, 25/4/2010 | ,
Thanks to the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Group for putting on another great show - the turnout was good and the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. Sorry, there's no detailed show report from me this year, but to give you an idea of what went on here's a summary of the tweets that I posted throughout the day, interspersed with various comments from the peanut gallery Scroll down for my photos from the show (and Joel Rowbottom has uploaded more here).

Live tweets (as they happened)

9:14 AM - It's a lovely day, and I'm going to spend it stuck indoors looking at dusty old computers.
10:18 AM - There are train spotters on the table next to me. I have been outgeeked.
10:29 AM, Matthew Somerville - @monkeyson Thought I'd take a look at csa.misc for nostalgia sake. Doesn't appear that anything has changed
11:28 AM - Nice chat with Vince from SoftRock Software. Hope I've got the company name right, Vince! ;)
11:30 AM - Warning message from Windows on ROL's theatre Virtual PC about anti virus software not being installed. Marvellous.
11:34 AM - Debating what to do for the future. Apple may takeover ARM - may not supply chips to competitors?
11:36 AM - Questions about Virtual Acorn on iPad - won't happen because VA is for Intel. Would need to be native; can't get to the hardware.
11:37 AM - ROL not set up as a hardware company. Hardware partners must ask for platform to be supported.
11:39 AM - ROL target for now is VA, Risc PC, A7000 and A9home. Not for iyonix/netbook - would need heavily optimising.
11:42 AM - New in RISC OS 6.20 - sliding windows/menus. Task display with new sections and memory bars.
11:44 AM - This isn't a new version for the show - they were hoping to have something ready but it, er, isn't.
11:45 AM - System info tool draws pie charts. Uses Draw library for generating charts - API will be made available.
11:46 AM, John Hoare - @monkeyson *slow hand clap*
11:48 AM - Paul Middleton is showing off all the ways you can display a desktop wallpaper - stretch, fit, tile etc.
11:49 AM - Filer windows have toolbars and side panel preview. Configuration tool for installing additional toolbars.
11:52 AM - ROL planning to store caches of filer thumbnails. Internal debates about implementing hidden files (using a character prefix).
11:55 AM - Do people still use RISC OS for anything other than changing file types, looking at desktop clocks and reallocating system memory?
12:02 PM - Draw application doesn't have user interface for the back end charting facility. Instead we are shown how to resize a rectangle.
12:05 PM - That's it. The grand finale was a demo of keyboard navigation in the Filer and failing to play an incompatible MPEG.
12:07 PM, Matthew Somerville - @monkeyson Ooh, keyboard navigation in the filer. I needed that in 1999!
12:10 PM - Paul says that RO6 is being abstracted into standalone modules, RO5 is one big kernel. Not practical to merge the two.
12:11 PM - "Can you tell us what will be in the next version?" "No." People nodding and agreeing about bugs in the floating point emulator.
12:16 PM - Another groundbreaking feature: "Filer now shows incomplete files as DEAD rather than DEAD DEAD". #riscos
12:28 PM - VPod looks good - lots of colours, hi res desktops. If you buy/have RO6 for your RPC today get a VPod too :)
1:15 PM - http://twitpic.com/1i17fi RISC OS running on two tiny Beagleboards.
1:17 PM - ROOL are pleasantly surprised that there are new people interested in RISC OS. (Not lapsed ex-Acorn types - new ones!)
1:42 PM - Packed theatre for Martin's talk on ArtWorks. Good demo of the new features.
1:50 PM - Question from the audience about scaling shadows with objects. "Ah!" says Martin. "You have found the first bug!"
1:51 PM - Our radio mikes have been hijacked by a pirate wedding party on another floor!
1:52 PM - To the party: "If you can hear me but can't see me, why not come up to the board room for a really interesting talk on ArtWorks!"
1:54 PM - ArtWorks: Copy and paste of attributes (line colour, shadows, etc) from one element to the other looks really useful.
2:02 PM - And the disco is back sharing our radio mike! I hope they are pleased that Martin will implement selective attribute pasting later.
2:14 PM - Demo of the new Postscript3/PDF drivers. Much quicker and image quality is leagues ahead of the old Acorn driver. Looks perfect!
2:25 PM, Eric Rucker - @monkeyson Doubtful that govts. would allow Apple to buy ARM. ARM has said it's not happening, too.
2:25 PM, Eric Rucker - @monkeyson Not to mention that Apple doesn't allow apps that can run arbitrary code, including emulators.
2:56 PM - ROOL talking about optimised ARM media players for Android devices etc that could be leveraged for RISC OS.
3:00 PM - Netsurf team say it's dishonest to come to shows and ask for donations if they have nothing to offer in return.
3:01 PM - ROOL joke during their talk: "Here's a demo of using Draw [on RPCEmu] because that's all people seem to do on RISC OS." :)
3:03 PM - ROOL: we are stewards of the project. We need someone like Chris Evans to come along and package it as a product.
3:04 PM - ROOL: but that might not be sustainable. Also looking for sponsors to invest in new projects. Will discuss in their forums.
3:08 PM - John Cartmell talks about RISC OS 6 with an almost religious fervour. He is very enthusiastic about it!
3:11 PM - Next Qercus is out next month. Also talked to Paul Beverley and Jim Nagel about Archive and people leaving coke on their stand.
5:28 PM, Vince M Hudd - Grr. Bah humbug! ;) RT @monkeyson Nice chat with Vince from SoftRock Software. Hope I've got the company name right, Vince! ;)
6:01 PM - Back home. Thanks to Derek Baron for giving me a lift after I missed the last shuttle bus. :)
7:21 AM, Gavin Crawford - @monkeyson Thanks for all the tweets from wakefield 2010. It was like being there - but much less depressing!


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The Icon Bar: News and features: Wakefield 2010 photos and tweets